The Floristry

All Saints Bud Vase


Bud Vase: Bud Vase

Something saintly and pure, the All Saints Bunch celebrates simplicity and purity. Clean and minimal, it’s white and green colour palette is a token of something heavenly.

All our bouquets come in a complimentary wild tote bag.

Please note that each of our bouquets is unique and slightly different. We use seasonal flowers and foliage which may sometimes differ slightly from the ones pictured but will be of the same colour and texture.

For Flower Jars

For Flower Bouquets

Small Bouquet with Vase - 25-30 stems

Medium Bouquet with Vase - 35-40 stems

Large Bouquet with Vase - 45-50 stems



All our bouquets come wrapped in hessian fabric, tied with brown string and placed in our signature wild tote bags

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